by Gideon Merz
In a world full of expectations and conformity, a young woman loses herself in the eternal pursuit of perfection. But she cannot realize that true perfection is a myth - and that her constant search for something unattainable can never be successful. Yet she tries again and again.
But the wisdom of the soul sees beyond the horizon of the mind. And in the deepest night, her inner pain confronts her with these toxic values - leading to a ruthless catharsis.
And like a phoenix, she rises from the ashes - finally recognizing the true beauty of her uniqueness and of her very own path
words from the filmmaker
Everyone knows the struggle with perfectionism… Especially creative people tend to grind them selfs down in order to create something „perfect“. But we all know - that's not possible. Humans can't be perfect. And yet we try again and again.
This film is a visual poem to your own path. To your uniqueness. Because, nothing comes closer to perfection than your true self.
why we love this film
An open and honest visual poem. Beautifully crafted.