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Seeking Thomas

dir Julia Zlotnick

United Kingdom

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A visceral dance film about a young man who is struggling with his mental health.

words from the filmmaker

Seeking Thomas is a film about a young man who struggles with mental health based on Thomas Boselli’s experiences. Seeking Thoma raises awareness for mental health and the life-changing work of Progetto Itaca, supported by Citi and Mayors Fund for London.

People often describe anxiety and depression as a physical experience, an embodiment of their mental health. As a choreographer and director this felt like the perfect opportunity to combine my passion for film and dance.

I wanted to create something that had a sense of thoughtfulness and subtlety to it given the importance of the campaign; using movement, sound, light and cinematography to enhance the arc of Thomas's experiences and capture the heart of Thomas's story.

why we love this film

A thought-provoking depiction of the modern day mental health epidemic, and a reminder that community remains a pillar of humankind's sanity. Beautiful to watch.








Director of Photography 




Steadicam Operator 

Focus Puller 

First Assistant Director 

Production Assistant

Sound Recordist 



Sound Designer 

Sound Mixer 


Post House 


Supported by

Special thanks to 

Julia Zlotnick

Jonny Aubery-Bentley 

Eliza Williams 

Cameron Everitt  

Emerald Nguyen 

Julia Zlotnick

Matt Gillan

Tom Watt

Julia Zlotnick

Emerald Nguyen

Lee Brown

Etai Shomri

Tamara Phoenix

Fintan O’Connor

Jack Henry Greene

Jim Page

Beth Wood

Tom Watt

Tom Watt

Hannah Edwards


Sara Buxton

Citi Foundation

Mayors Fund for London

Thomas Boselli

Progetto Itaca

Peter Tarran at ARRI Rental

Andrea Zlotnick

Leila Donegan

Simon Bass

Karolina Smolova

A New Direction

meet the filmmaker

a podcast

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Check out more "On Composition" on SoundCloud!

Seeking Thomas

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